As a result of the workshop:
Learn 130 techniques of Thai massage of the northern style of Chang Mei School.
You will learn how to relax yourself and breathe correctly during a session.
Learn self-healing techniques.
Learn how to massage effortlessly.
Master the methods of protection against the negative.
Learn the Ayurvedic approach to massage.
Learn how to effectively promote massage therapist on Instagram.
You can independently perform a 2-hour Thai massage.
Get a certificate from the school of Yury Ulyanov, teaching aids and video materials.

Since 2008, he has been teaching Thai massage in Russia, India, Thailand and Europe.
Direct transmission of Thai technology from the legendary Pishet Riots (Chang Mai, Thailand).
Certified northern-style master at Chang Mei School, Loi Khro, Chang Mai, Thailand.
Certified Yoga Instructor Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanvantari Ashram (Trivandrum, India).
Visceral chiropractor of the school of A. T. Ogulov (Moscow, Russia).
A student of the clinic of the natural approach and yoga therapy of Dr. Jaga (Mysor, India).
He studied massage with Swami Dasha, Vit Mano, Leonid Garzenstein, Robert Ilinskas and Pavel Yanyshevsky.
He studied meditation with Lama Ole Nydahl, Karmapa 17 Trinle Thae Dorje.

What is Thai massage?" Thai massage" origionaly translated into English "ancient massage". Thai massage is beneficial for both giver and receiver. Thai Massage is part of Traditional Thai Medicine, using assisted stretches with compression to therapeutically affect the whole body. A special technique of squeezing and pressing, based on the use of the patient’s own weight, twists and stretch marks, is called Thai massage. From the side it looks more like a meditative dance than a massage in the usual sense of the wo rd. During the procedure, asanas are used - postures that are used during yoga. The actions are completely controlled by a specialist, and the person remains relaxed. Because of this feature, another name for the procedure is yoga for the lazy. Thai massage is a whole wellness complex, consisting of exposure to certain points and energy channels. The last term refers to Eastern philosophy, in which it is believed that a person’s health depends on his mental balance. An unusual technique is called upon to restore this balance. From the point of view of conservative medicine, yoga for the lazy has a positive effect on the bone, nervous, muscle systems of a person, blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby improving his well-being. It's normally done on a floor mat.
How is thai massage different from 'regular' massage?What most people mean by 'regular' massage is Swedish massage, done with the client lying on a raised massage table, unclothed and properly draped, as the therapist focuses on working the muscles, using a lubricant. Traditional thai massage, the client remains comfortably clothed, lyes on a cushioned mat on the floor, lubricant is not used, and the therapist focuses on muscles, fascia, joints and sen lines with pressure and range of motion. The underlying medical theory is also different.
Isn't thai massage just like yoga?Yes, there are a lot similarities to yoga! I would say, that it more passive yoga. Most beginner yogis strain during the performance of the pose, which is not correct. In Thai massage, the massage therapist twists you into yoga poses, and you, as an advanced user of yoga, lie relaxed on the mat. You're getting a massage based on an ancient and comprehensive view of how the body works, while being moved through a variety of stretches, allowing your heart and mind and body to deeply open and relax.
What is the connection thai massage and sex?There are various legends about Thai massage - sometimes not the most decent, but this is all a myth. In fact, it is a pleasant relaxing procedure that has nothing to do with erotica. I repeat, traditional Thai technology has nothing to do with sexual services. During the procedure, both the client and the master are dressed - in clothes made of light breathing fabrics - and barefoot. The technique affects 10 main energy channels. They are affected along and through the points of intersection of the lines. So, all muscles are directly worked out. The masseur does not use special oils and creams for "yoga for the lazy," but can use herbal infusions to improve the result. If in the cabin you are still offered to use additional funds - do not be alarmed, it is possible. Traditional Thai massage is performed without them, but its “softer” versions may contain a deviation from the rules. Keep in mind that the healing effect from this will be less, but you still get general relaxation, ease in the body after the session.
How is the Thai massage session going?Another distinctive feature of Thai technology in the duration of the massage. The duration of the massage session takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. During this period, the master manages to relax and fully work out the client’s muscular system. If you perform session faster - there is a risk not to cure, but to harm. If it is not possible to allocate so much time for a session, you can ask to focus only on a certain part of the body. During the Thai massage, the client and the master have close contact. Masseur is pressing on the necessary points with the feet, elbows, palms and knees, raising and lowering the limbs, stretching the spine. For the convenience of carrying out this technique, the client does not lie on a traditional massage table, but on special mats with a soft surface. Feedback is important. If during a classic massage there may be short-term pain to relieve tension, then in the case of Thai it is necessary to immediately report discomfort and especially pain - after all, the limits of muscle tension in each person are different.
What is the benefits of Thai massage?Thai massage is a beneficial effect on the human body at once on several levels. After it, a person feels cheerfulness, a surge of energy, vitality. After a course of several sessions, even more significant changes are possible: reduction of cellulite, stretch marks, general improvement, weight loss, rejuvenation. During the procedure, the specialist touches on such areas as: lymphatic system - due to the acceleration of lymph, swelling is relieved (in severe cases - in several sessions); circulatory system - a rush of blood improves the condition of the skin; muscles, tendons, internal organs - the effectiveness of the impact is higher than that of classical Western technology; bones, spine - stretching makes them more flexible and mobile, due to which there is a general relaxation; psyche and nervous system. Thai massage techniques relax not only on the physical level. Many clients come to sessions for inner peace to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety.
What is contraindications to Thai massage?Most contraindications are relative, therefore they require additional consultation with both the masseur and physician. Only extremely serious conditions and the postoperative period are strict, since the stitches may separate from the movements of the procedure in the patient. If you decide to use the Thai massage technique yourself, then you need to be extremely careful. Contraindications to thai massage: pregnancy - Thai massage for women in pregnancy can help relieve cramps, but many movements will be impossible due to the abdomen; mental illness - depends on the frequency of attacks and is associated not with physical malaise, but with the behavior of the client; alcohol and drug intoxication of respiratory failure, acute respiratory diseases; hypo- and hypertension (problems with pressure), heart disease, diabetes - consultation with your doctor is required; varicose veins - thai massage people is possible, but it is better not to influence problem areas; dermatological lesions (rash on the skin, etc.) - the master has the right to refuse the client to perform the procedure, because with this type of massage there is close contact and infection is possible; digestive upsets; tumor diseases; bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, which weakens the skeletal system; artificial limbs; infection; conditions after surgery (from six weeks to six months, depending on the nature of the operation.
How to register on thai massage course?If you want to register for a course, go to the "Event" tab, select a course and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, write to us by e-mail ( or on whatsapp (+7917 841 91 92).
Do I need a medical education?It is not considered medical, but can be used for medicinal or preventive purposes. For those who just want to relax, it is also useful. Learn the skill of Thai massage can anyone. Medical education is not needed for this.
What is the best school to learn Thai massage in Thailand?Of course, the most prestigious massage schools now remain in Chang Mai in northern Thailand. Chang Mei schools have maintained traditions and are passed on by succession. These include: Loi Kroh, founded 1998; ITM Chiang Mai massage school, founded 1992; Sunshine, School of Traditional Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, founded 2001; Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai, founded in 2001. I prefer to learn from a hereditary massage therapist, the legendary Pichest Boonthumme.
Is Thai massage course hard to learn?Thai massage training course everyone can learn the skills of Thai massage. Although many are wondering whether strong hands and a strong body are needed for this. Indeed, to perform any manipulations with the body, physical strength is needed. But in Thai massage massuer uses body weight for pressing. Most tiny Thai girls easily push large men in Tailand.
What is Thai massage?" Thai massage" origionaly translated into English "ancient massage". Thai massage is beneficial for both giver and receiver. Thai Massage is part of Traditional Thai Medicine, using assisted stretches with compression to therapeutically affect the whole body. A special technique of squeezing and pressing, based on the use of the patient’s own weight, twists and stretch marks, is called Thai massage. From the side it looks more like a meditative dance than a massage in the usual sense of the wo rd. During the procedure, asanas are used - postures that are used during yoga. The actions are completely controlled by a specialist, and the person remains relaxed. Because of this feature, another name for the procedure is yoga for the lazy. Thai massage is a whole wellness complex, consisting of exposure to certain points and energy channels. The last term refers to Eastern philosophy, in which it is believed that a person’s health depends on his mental balance. An unusual technique is called upon to restore this balance. From the point of view of conservative medicine, yoga for the lazy has a positive effect on the bone, nervous, muscle systems of a person, blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby improving his well-being. It's normally done on a floor mat.
How is thai massage different from 'regular' massage?What most people mean by 'regular' massage is Swedish massage, done with the client lying on a raised massage table, unclothed and properly draped, as the therapist focuses on working the muscles, using a lubricant. Traditional thai massage, the client remains comfortably clothed, lyes on a cushioned mat on the floor, lubricant is not used, and the therapist focuses on muscles, fascia, joints and sen lines with pressure and range of motion. The underlying medical theory is also different.
Isn't thai massage just like yoga?Yes, there are a lot similarities to yoga! I would say, that it more passive yoga. Most beginner yogis strain during the performance of the pose, which is not correct. In Thai massage, the massage therapist twists you into yoga poses, and you, as an advanced user of yoga, lie relaxed on the mat. You're getting a massage based on an ancient and comprehensive view of how the body works, while being moved through a variety of stretches, allowing your heart and mind and body to deeply open and relax.
What is the connection thai massage and sex?There are various legends about Thai massage - sometimes not the most decent, but this is all a myth. In fact, it is a pleasant relaxing procedure that has nothing to do with erotica. I repeat, traditional Thai technology has nothing to do with sexual services. During the procedure, both the client and the master are dressed - in clothes made of light breathing fabrics - and barefoot. The technique affects 10 main energy channels. They are affected along and through the points of intersection of the lines. So, all muscles are directly worked out. The masseur does not use special oils and creams for "yoga for the lazy," but can use herbal infusions to improve the result. If in the cabin you are still offered to use additional funds - do not be alarmed, it is possible. Traditional Thai massage is performed without them, but its “softer” versions may contain a deviation from the rules. Keep in mind that the healing effect from this will be less, but you still get general relaxation, ease in the body after the session.
How is the Thai massage session going?Another distinctive feature of Thai technology in the duration of the massage. The duration of the massage session takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. During this period, the master manages to relax and fully work out the client’s muscular system. If you perform session faster - there is a risk not to cure, but to harm. If it is not possible to allocate so much time for a session, you can ask to focus only on a certain part of the body. During the Thai massage, the client and the master have close contact. Masseur is pressing on the necessary points with the feet, elbows, palms and knees, raising and lowering the limbs, stretching the spine. For the convenience of carrying out this technique, the client does not lie on a traditional massage table, but on special mats with a soft surface. Feedback is important. If during a classic massage there may be short-term pain to relieve tension, then in the case of Thai it is necessary to immediately report discomfort and especially pain - after all, the limits of muscle tension in each person are different.
What is the benefits of Thai massage?Thai massage is a beneficial effect on the human body at once on several levels. After it, a person feels cheerfulness, a surge of energy, vitality. After a course of several sessions, even more significant changes are possible: reduction of cellulite, stretch marks, general improvement, weight loss, rejuvenation. During the procedure, the specialist touches on such areas as: lymphatic system - due to the acceleration of lymph, swelling is relieved (in severe cases - in several sessions); circulatory system - a rush of blood improves the condition of the skin; muscles, tendons, internal organs - the effectiveness of the impact is higher than that of classical Western technology; bones, spine - stretching makes them more flexible and mobile, due to which there is a general relaxation; psyche and nervous system. Thai massage techniques relax not only on the physical level. Many clients come to sessions for inner peace to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety.
What is contraindications to Thai massage?Most contraindications are relative, therefore they require additional consultation with both the masseur and physician. Only extremely serious conditions and the postoperative period are strict, since the stitches may separate from the movements of the procedure in the patient. If you decide to use the Thai massage technique yourself, then you need to be extremely careful. Contraindications to thai massage: pregnancy - Thai massage for women in pregnancy can help relieve cramps, but many movements will be impossible due to the abdomen; mental illness - depends on the frequency of attacks and is associated not with physical malaise, but with the behavior of the client; alcohol and drug intoxication of respiratory failure, acute respiratory diseases; hypo- and hypertension (problems with pressure), heart disease, diabetes - consultation with your doctor is required; varicose veins - thai massage people is possible, but it is better not to influence problem areas; dermatological lesions (rash on the skin, etc.) - the master has the right to refuse the client to perform the procedure, because with this type of massage there is close contact and infection is possible; digestive upsets; tumor diseases; bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, which weakens the skeletal system; artificial limbs; infection; conditions after surgery (from six weeks to six months, depending on the nature of the operation.
How to register on thai massage course?If you want to register for a course, go to the "Event" tab, select a course and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, write to us by e-mail ( or on whatsapp (+7917 841 91 92).
Do I need a medical education?It is not considered medical, but can be used for medicinal or preventive purposes. For those who just want to relax, it is also useful. Learn the skill of Thai massage can anyone. Medical education is not needed for this.
What is the best school to learn Thai massage in Thailand?Of course, the most prestigious massage schools now remain in Chang Mai in northern Thailand. Chang Mei schools have maintained traditions and are passed on by succession. These include: Loi Kroh, founded 1998; ITM Chiang Mai massage school, founded 1992; Sunshine, School of Traditional Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, founded 2001; Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai, founded in 2001. I prefer to learn from a hereditary massage therapist, the legendary Pichest Boonthumme.
Is Thai massage course hard to learn?Thai massage training course everyone can learn the skills of Thai massage. Although many are wondering whether strong hands and a strong body are needed for this. Indeed, to perform any manipulations with the body, physical strength is needed. But in Thai massage massuer uses body weight for pressing. Most tiny Thai girls easily push large men in Tailand.