Consider the main mistakes that novice masseurs make in Thai massage. They directly affect the health of the massage therapist and the patient.
❌ Tension in the hands and fingers.
By making this mistake in your work, over time you injure your joints.
❌ Tension in the shoulders and forearms. It is most often caused by working with bent elbows.
❌ Tension in the trapezium, which directly affects the general tension of the masseur. This mistake is especially common among the classics.
❌ Shallow breathing. Associated with the habit of breathing through the chest. With such breathing, it is difficult for the masseur to relax and enter the desired state.
❌ Crooked back. This mistake over time leads to problems such as chronic tension, back pain and general fatigue after a massage session.
❌Exposing the patient to the strength of the muscles, rather than the hara (the center of the body), is also very tiring and brings the whole body of the massage therapist into tension.
❌Distracted thoughts during massage. This consumes energy, desensitizes the patient's needs, and turns off awareness.
❌Fast rhythm. The masseur is in a hurry to finish the session by a certain time or to have time to do as many movements as possible.
Each of these mistakes reduces the effectiveness of the sessions and can even harm the health of the massage therapist and the patient.
We teach in our courses to avoid mistakes, tune in to the session, build the position of the body and do massage effortlessly for the benefit of both the patient and the massage therapist.
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